
Performing Arts - Reconsruction

I'll be chronicling the progress of the Performing Arts High School reconstruction here in Reconstruction Archives.

Make sure to visit the following:
Students, parents, teachers and neighbors were informed on June 14, 2006 that ground breaking would take place on June 26th! It did!

Here's the first of many photographs that will regularly document the reconstruction and progress of Performing Arts High School's permanent home. I also hope to do a series of interviews with School Board Members, LPCiminelli and CannonDesign people involved in the project. I'll also seek out teachers, parents, students and various people from the alumni community and present their comments regarding the significance of this project.

June 26, 2006 - Day 1

When I returned home this evening I walked aroung the site and took these photos...
Excavation on the north (Ferry Street side)
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Marking off of new Art Wing and Science Wing on West side (Michigan Avenue)DSCN3495.jpg DSCN3496.jpg
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006

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